Beggar My Neighbour
(or Beat your Neighbour out of Doors or Strip Jack Naked)
No of Players |
2 - 3 (1 pack of cards) 4 - 6 (2 packs of cards) |
Cards to be dealt |
All the cards |
Stake |
As agreed |
Object |
To win all the cards |
Preliminaries |
Cut for deal. The cards to be dealt face down in a clockwise rotation. The players are not allowed to examine their cards. |
Play |
The player to the left of the dealer commences by turning over the top card of his or her pack and placing it in the centre of the table. Each player in turn plays the top card of his or her pack, placing it face upwards in the centre of the table on top of the previous card. If an ace or picture card is revealed, the next person to go will place on top of the pack a card or cards by way of payment according to the following scale. Ace - 4 cards, King - 3 cards, Queen - 2 cards, Jack - 1 card If, while paying out cards, an ace or picture card is revealed before full payment is made, then payment stops and payment recommences with the next player playing the required number of cards to the one showing. This continues until payment of one of the above cards is paid in full. The player who is paid in full gathers up the pack and places the cards to the bottom of his or her pack and starts a new round by putting the top card from his or her pack face upwards in the centre of the table and play continues as before. When a player has used up all his or her cards then they are out of the game and if it is necessary the next player completes the payment of cards. |